He Can Do More

If God answered all your prayers, you prayed this month with a 100% "yes," how many people would be saved? How many people would experience revival? How would God's kingdom have grown from saying "yes" to your prayers?

Have you noticed that Christians spend more time praying for temporal matters (health, jobs, provisions, etc.) and less time praying for eternal matters? Praying for material things like good health, jobs, and provisions is not wrong. However, what you see in the Bible are more prayers for the eternal matters of life versus the temporal matters of life.

The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3 is offering a prayer for the people in the church of Ephesus. First, in chapter 3:1-13, Paul explains how the gospel came to him and spread to the Gentiles through him. Then, in chapter 3:14-19, Paul prays for the disciples of Jesus to experience three things in their lives.

First, Paul prayed the Holy Spirit would strengthen them spiritually (verses 14-16). Second, Paul prayed the people in Ephesus would be rooted in the love of Christ (verse 17). Third, Paul prayed they would know how much Jesus loved them (verses 18-19).

Today, spend time praying for others in this way. It is a simple yet powerful way to pray for others! Pray, they would be strengthened in the Holy Spirit, rooted in the love of Christ, and know how much Jesus loves them.


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