Pray for Your Pastor

I am in my 19th year of being a pastor, and one of the greatest gifts given to me is when members of my church pray for me. I believe the prayers of God’s people are essential to the ministry of every pastor. I am grateful when people tell me, “I prayed for you.”


How can you pray for your pastor during the week and before he preaches? While there are many ways to pray for your pastor, let me suggest three ways to pray for your pastor during the week.


Pray for God to guard his heart. The heart of the person is the seat of emotions. Proverbs 4:23 shows us why it is essential to guard your heart, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life. Pray for the purity of your pastor. Pray that he guards his heart from sin and temptation.


Pray for God to guide his mind. Pray for God to help your pastor make the right decisions during the week in his ministry and personal life. Pray for God to give his wisdom in ministry plans that would help make more disciples of Jesus.


Pray for God to govern his words. As pastors, we have a lot of conversations with people during the week. Pray for God to give the words your pastor needs to build up, encourage, strengthen, and teach others in the faith.


As a pastor, thank you for praying for pastors!


The Bible, Jesus, Prison, and Lessons Learned


How You Can Pray for Israel