How You Can Pray for Israel

As we watch the devastation and war happening in the Holy Land, we must look beyond the headlines, we must look beyond the politics, and we must see people. As this war unfolds, we must understand that some people are hurting, some are scared, some have died, and more will until peace is reached.

How, then, can you help from afar? I believe one of the best ways we can help is to pray. Jesus calls us to pray to Him when are in need, and we see people in need. Here are ways in which you can pray.

1. Pray for physical needs: There are men, women, and children who have lost their homes, they have lost their possessions, and they have lost their businesses. Pray that God would show His love and provision for these people. Pray for disaster relief workers to be able to meet physical needs and have opportunities to share the gospel with others.

2. Pray for lostness: As rockets are being fired between the countries, some people are dying without believing in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Some people are dying who are entering a Christless eternity in hell. Pray during this time for people to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Pray for them to find forgiveness and salvation in Jesus by faith alone.

3. Pray for Christians: There is still much spiritual darkness in this area of the world. Pray for Christians to have access and boldness to share the gospel with others. Pray for the gospel to be heard and believed.

I believe in prayer because prayer moves the arm of the one who moves the world. Join me in praying for people in the Holy Land today.


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