Ask Yourself These Questions…

At the end of each year, it is good to pause and reflect on the past year. I believe an essential part of growing in our faith is to ask ourselves questions to help diagnose where we are and to determine some next steps to take to keep growing as a follower of Jesus.

As 2022 is coming to a close, here are some great questions to ask yourself in preparation for a new year!

1. Did I regularly read my Bible this year? If not, check out my Bible reading plan posts to pick a plan for 2023.

2. How many times did I share the gospel or invite someone to church this past year? As believers in Jesus, we have good news to share! Set a goal this year to share the gospel/invite someone to church at least once a week.

3. What’s been my percentage of financial giving to God’s work this year? It is incredible to me how we never miss what we give away!

4. Am I in better or worse physical shape at the end of this year? Of course an injury or prolong sickness can determine how you answer this, but what about those of us who are healthy? Regular exercise not only can help us improve physically, but it has mental benefits as well.

5. What did I want to accomplish this year that I have not done? Carry over into the new year what you could not do this year!

One of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” God is a God of new beginnings, and each new year reminds us of this great truth!


5 Different Goals to Try for 2023